Correct NLP: How Natural Language Processing Systems Work and What They Can Do

Correct NLP: How Natural Language Processing Systems Work and What They Can Do

What tasks can NLP solve today?
Machine translation of texts from one language to another

This is one of the most common scenarios. However, despite the significant progress in machine translation, modern solutions still do not always cope with the translation of stable turns, word play, as well as the choice of suitable cases and the correct construction of sentences.

Analysis of texts
Text analysis is carried out in three main formats: classification, content reflection and sentiment analysis.

All text classification problems can be divided into two types:

binary classification allows you to determine the relevance of the document offered to the user;
multiclass classification allows you to determine the subject of a document and assign it to one of hundreds of subject classes.
Reflection of the content of the text (text summarization) works like this: the NLP system accepts a large text as input, and outputs a smaller text that reflects the content of a large one.